Hunter HMP 20D Mouldautomat
- Mould size: 600x500x180/190
- Material weights up 35 kg
- CT-class: 8/9
BMD ASPA 800 Framemoulding, moulding
- Frame size 1000×800 x 350/350
- Material weights up250 kg.
- CT-class: 8/9
Hand moulding
- Flexible mould sizes
- Material weights up 500 kg.
- CT-class:11/ 12
Core making
Manufacturing takes place in several core shooters in different sizes
Melting plant
3 frequency ovens with a total melting capacity of 5 tonnes
Fettling shop
Grinding and fettling in illuminated and ventilated boths.
Primer painting with water-based paint.